In January 2025, the average price of a dozen eggs in Texas was over $6, causing residents to wonder when this seeming inflation will stop. The truth is, it’s not inflation to blame – it is Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), also often referred to as the “bird flu.”
Many people remember stories from a couple years ago, of wild birds found mysteriously dead and mass killings of sick chickens at poultry operations. As the story became older and the incidents became more repetitive without any resolution, the media moved on to other subjects until many thought the outbreak was over and done with. However, nothing is farther from the truth.
Over 8.2 million egg-laying chickens have died in the U.S. in January 2025 alone. As of the end of January, U.S.D.A. data showed an average price per dozen for eggs of $6.57 nationally, up from $6.14 the week before, and under $6 the week before that. Currently, there are outbreaks of HPAI in 5 states – California, Indiana, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio.
What is HPAI?
HPAI is a viral disease that primarily infects birds, is highly contagious, and is generally fatal to poultry. A large flock can be wiped out in a matter of days. It can be spread in a variety of ways, not only bird to bird, but from humans walking through an infected area and carrying the disease into a poultry barn on their feet. HPAI currently can infect not only domestic poultry such as chickens, geese, and turkeys, but many other species including cats and dogs, cattle, and even humans.
There is no sure-fire method to eliminate HPAI infections in egg production. Careful cleaning and disinfection, isolation, and use of protective clothing is practiced at poultry operations, but once the disease enters a barn the only way to stop further spread is to eliminate all infected and exposed birds in the facility. As the number of birds being culled rises, so do egg prices.
Why is Last Chance Forever Raising Awareness About HPAI?
HPAI is a threat to wild birds, including birds of prey. Since 2022, we have had to practice a variety of biosecurity measures at our facility, to avoid bringing birds with HPAI into the center where they can infect other raptors. HPAI is a threat to many kinds of wild birds and animals, not just domestic species used for food production.
In the coming weeks, we expect to post more information on the current dangers of HPAI to many wild and domestic species, including signs of the illness and what to do if you see a potentially infected bird or animal.