To our dearest friends and gracious supporters,

On Christmas Day 2024, Last Chance Forever does not stop providing for birds of prey at the center. The staff divides up the duties, and someone is at the facility caring for the many birds in need. Cases in the hospital need medications, bandages changed, or examination to check on the progress of healing. Then there are hawks, owls, falcons, vultures, and eagles further along in their journey toward release that are in outside chambers and beginning to fly again, which must be monitored. Everyone needs water pans cleaned and filled with fresh water, and of course all need to be fed. Each bird has a different dietary requirement – some get beef, some get chicken, and others get mice, quail, or even fish, all in varying quantities. During all of this work, the telephone rings and one becomes the information and education officer. As you can tell, staff and volunteers are changing hats frequently throughout the day, being veterinary technicians, nurses, dieticians and even, if something in a housing structure has failed, becoming carpenters. They are truly incredible in their execution of their duties, and in their dedication to the noble cause of caring for birds of prey in great need.

As I write this letter, it is the day after Christmas and members of our marvelous volunteer staff were dispatched to a call about a hawk in need in the Hill Country. They rescued the bird and were immediately in touch with our staff veterinarian. Unfortunately the bird was in a very bad way and had to be euthanized. It was a hard decision, but the correct one to shorten the suffering and painful death of the bird. We must never give up, and we try with each and every one. We win and we lose, but I have to brag upon the fact that we continue to manage a 65% rate of return to the wild for those cases we receive.

We could not do this without your gracious support, sometimes feeling that saying “thank you” is not enough. We keep pushing through failure and success in honor of your caring. On December 26, 2024, I ask you to think about the work we do for birds of prey, apex predators, indicator species that let us know when the earth and its inhabitants – including us – should be concerned about our environment. Lately the wild birds are loudly screaming a message about Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, a disease that can cross over into other animals including humans. We are on constant watch for cases and communicate with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) on positive cases. We at Last Chance Forever are at ground zero.

As you consider your year-end giving, please remember that we do this work as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are very much needed. Our supporters can benefit in two ways: having the knowledge that their dollars are going toward saving birds of prey, including Bald and Golden Eagles, and being able to deduct a donation on their taxes if it is advantageous to itemize rather than taking the standard deduction. Some of our supporters generously consider naming Last Chance Forever as a beneficiary of a portion of their estate. If you are a supporter now, please realize we are humbled and very appreciative of your generosity. If you have not been a supporter, we invite you to look hard at our work and think about continuing the legacy of a 45 year effort that has put over 4000 birds back into the wild.

Kindest Regards while wishing you a healthy and prosperous New Year,

John Karger
Executive Director